For many years most folks outside of Chicago and Cook County have had their votes dimished or at least neutralized by the overwhelming CHICAGO/COOK COUNTY DEMOCRATIC Machine Politics. That is to say, often elections are stolen through the fraud based voting in CHICAGO AND COOK COUNTY. In affect CHICAGO AND COOK COUNTY dictates to the rest of the state. There can be no argument against the idea that coruuption ridden Illinois and Chicago politics has made us the laughing stock of the world. This can only change if we begin to care!
It is time that this is corrected. It seems to me that it would be difficult to change Chicago politics so the concentration has to be directed at the rest of the state. Don't get me wrong there are many decent folks in Chicago and Cook County but they are sadly out gunned and rendered insignificant by the corrupt machine politics.
In all simplicity all that needs to occur is an awakening of the many elidgelble voters in the rest of Illinois that have been sitting on the side lines and get these folks out to vote. Sure I say that it is simple however, at the same time this is not an easy slam dunk. In everyway possible, we need to work at getting folks out to vote in every election.
Our state and our country is slipping away from the America that we knew and loved. We have politicians that no longer represent the majority of our population, some even thwarting the Constitution and this is mainly a result of an attitude of indifference on the part of a large percentage of the citizens. This has to change. We are lucky (unfortunately) if we have 50% of elidgible voters go to the polls on election day and vote. We have been lulled into a sense of complacency over the years because we have enjoyed the "good life", but it is slipping away at an ever increasing pace and if we are to return to the historic values that made America the great country that we once new, we have to WAKE UP NOW and become involved and VOTE!
The tradgedy is that we have evolved to a time when we take our Constitution and freedoms for granted. It is imparative that we wake up and understand that we can no longer stay on the sidelines or we will become subserviant to big government. We need to return to the same hunger for freedom that is found where newly formed democracies see more than 95% of the voting age population going to the polls and execising their new found power. In some cases risking their lives to cast their vote. We need to understand the crucial importance of this right, privilege and responsibility!
So I implore all to exercise your right and responsibility and VOTE in all elections.
I for one will be working to achieve this end.
Thank you for the read.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
What is wrong with the diplomacy of our United States of America as it pertains to the Middle East?
What is wrong with the diplomacy of our United States of America as it pertains to the Middle East?
Sadly in fact very sadly the old cliché “history repeats itself’ has never been more apropos than now. It is a repeat of what occurred in Iran many years ago and we now know what that has yielded. Iran is one of the most corrupt and repressive regimes in the entire World. This is where we are headed in the rest of the Middle East.
The Mid East is in flames, Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia, Jordan, Lebanon, and who knows how far this conflagration will reach. This historic neglect on the part of our diplomats and our leadership reaches decades into the past and continues to this day. Our leaders have done little more than pay lip service to the despots with less than a slap on their hands in addressing the poverty and civil rights abuses of their masses while at the same time pouring in billions of American Dollars to prop up the these regimes. Woefully little of the money went to help the populace and most was redirected to the personal accounts of the corrupt.
America has historically supported despots that headed up corrupt regimes and has continually turned a blind eye towards the ugly corruption and details of poverty and abuses of individual freedoms to the extent that you now see these grievances boiling over throughout the Middle East. It may be too late to put the genie back in the bottle at this point. The sad truth is that the populace that is waiting in the wings to fill the vacuum is led by the extremist Muslims and if and when they take over the conditions on the ground in these countries will be even more suppressive.
I believe that America is on the wrong track now as we now seem to be supporting the rioters and not the governments, as currently corrupt as they are. My theory is that we now must support these governments with a very heavy hand in forcing them to execute the immense changes that are necessary to assure that the people will have new found opportunities and freedoms. America sends billions of dollars with few or no strings attached and it is time that we place some serious conditions on this cash and that we have people on the ground assuring that the people are benefiting. This needs to be a priority. Our hands off, wait and see stance is completely naïve. Should we continue this posture we will be witnessing several additional Iranian like countries in the Middle East that in the end will be even more suppressive than the despot led countries are today.
One other side observation this is a clear illustration as to how useless the United Nations is!
America cannot just sit on the sidelines and watch the Mid East disintegrate. It cannot wait to see which way the chips will fall it has to be a strong influence in the outcome now. It must become pro-active now! It need s to lead the community of the Worlds free nations in an emergency session to step in and change the course of these events.
I only hope that it is not too late!
Sadly in fact very sadly the old cliché “history repeats itself’ has never been more apropos than now. It is a repeat of what occurred in Iran many years ago and we now know what that has yielded. Iran is one of the most corrupt and repressive regimes in the entire World. This is where we are headed in the rest of the Middle East.
The Mid East is in flames, Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia, Jordan, Lebanon, and who knows how far this conflagration will reach. This historic neglect on the part of our diplomats and our leadership reaches decades into the past and continues to this day. Our leaders have done little more than pay lip service to the despots with less than a slap on their hands in addressing the poverty and civil rights abuses of their masses while at the same time pouring in billions of American Dollars to prop up the these regimes. Woefully little of the money went to help the populace and most was redirected to the personal accounts of the corrupt.
America has historically supported despots that headed up corrupt regimes and has continually turned a blind eye towards the ugly corruption and details of poverty and abuses of individual freedoms to the extent that you now see these grievances boiling over throughout the Middle East. It may be too late to put the genie back in the bottle at this point. The sad truth is that the populace that is waiting in the wings to fill the vacuum is led by the extremist Muslims and if and when they take over the conditions on the ground in these countries will be even more suppressive.
I believe that America is on the wrong track now as we now seem to be supporting the rioters and not the governments, as currently corrupt as they are. My theory is that we now must support these governments with a very heavy hand in forcing them to execute the immense changes that are necessary to assure that the people will have new found opportunities and freedoms. America sends billions of dollars with few or no strings attached and it is time that we place some serious conditions on this cash and that we have people on the ground assuring that the people are benefiting. This needs to be a priority. Our hands off, wait and see stance is completely naïve. Should we continue this posture we will be witnessing several additional Iranian like countries in the Middle East that in the end will be even more suppressive than the despot led countries are today.
One other side observation this is a clear illustration as to how useless the United Nations is!
America cannot just sit on the sidelines and watch the Mid East disintegrate. It cannot wait to see which way the chips will fall it has to be a strong influence in the outcome now. It must become pro-active now! It need s to lead the community of the Worlds free nations in an emergency session to step in and change the course of these events.
I only hope that it is not too late!
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