Tuesday, February 8, 2011


For many years most folks outside of Chicago and Cook County have had their votes dimished or at least neutralized by the overwhelming CHICAGO/COOK COUNTY DEMOCRATIC Machine Politics. That is to say, often elections are stolen through the fraud based voting in CHICAGO AND COOK COUNTY. In affect CHICAGO AND COOK COUNTY dictates to the rest of the state. There can be no argument against the idea that coruuption ridden Illinois and Chicago politics has made us the laughing stock of the world. This can only change if we begin to care!

It is time that this is corrected. It seems to me that it would be difficult to change Chicago politics so the concentration has to be directed at the rest of the state. Don't get me wrong there are many decent folks in Chicago and Cook County but they are sadly out gunned and rendered insignificant by the corrupt machine politics.

In all simplicity all that needs to occur is an awakening of the many elidgelble voters in the rest of Illinois that have been sitting on the side lines and get these folks out to vote. Sure I say that it is simple however, at the same time this is not an easy slam dunk. In everyway possible, we need to work at getting folks out to vote in every election.

Our state and our country is slipping away from the America that we knew and loved. We have politicians that no longer represent the majority of our population, some even thwarting the Constitution and this is mainly a result of an attitude of indifference on the part of a large percentage of the citizens. This has to change. We are lucky (unfortunately) if we have 50% of elidgible voters go to the polls on election day and vote. We have been lulled into a sense of complacency over the years because we have enjoyed the "good life", but it is slipping away at an ever increasing pace and if we are to return to the historic values that made America the great country that we once new, we have to WAKE UP NOW and become involved and VOTE!

The tradgedy is that we have evolved to a time when we take our Constitution and freedoms for granted. It is imparative that we wake up and understand that we can no longer stay on the sidelines or we will become subserviant to big government. We need to return to the same hunger for freedom that is found where newly formed democracies see more than 95% of the voting age population going to the polls and execising their new found power. In some cases risking their lives to cast their vote. We need to understand the crucial importance of this right, privilege and responsibility!

So I implore all to exercise your right and responsibility and VOTE in all elections.

I for one will be working to achieve this end.

Thank you for the read.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

What is wrong with the diplomacy of our United States of America as it pertains to the Middle East?

What is wrong with the diplomacy of our United States of America as it pertains to the Middle East?
Sadly in fact very sadly the old cliché “history repeats itself’ has never been more apropos than now. It is a repeat of what occurred in Iran many years ago and we now know what that has yielded. Iran is one of the most corrupt and repressive regimes in the entire World. This is where we are headed in the rest of the Middle East.
The Mid East is in flames, Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia, Jordan, Lebanon, and who knows how far this conflagration will reach. This historic neglect on the part of our diplomats and our leadership reaches decades into the past and continues to this day. Our leaders have done little more than pay lip service to the despots with less than a slap on their hands in addressing the poverty and civil rights abuses of their masses while at the same time pouring in billions of American Dollars to prop up the these regimes. Woefully little of the money went to help the populace and most was redirected to the personal accounts of the corrupt.
America has historically supported despots that headed up corrupt regimes and has continually turned a blind eye towards the ugly corruption and details of poverty and abuses of individual freedoms to the extent that you now see these grievances boiling over throughout the Middle East. It may be too late to put the genie back in the bottle at this point. The sad truth is that the populace that is waiting in the wings to fill the vacuum is led by the extremist Muslims and if and when they take over the conditions on the ground in these countries will be even more suppressive.
I believe that America is on the wrong track now as we now seem to be supporting the rioters and not the governments, as currently corrupt as they are. My theory is that we now must support these governments with a very heavy hand in forcing them to execute the immense changes that are necessary to assure that the people will have new found opportunities and freedoms. America sends billions of dollars with few or no strings attached and it is time that we place some serious conditions on this cash and that we have people on the ground assuring that the people are benefiting. This needs to be a priority. Our hands off, wait and see stance is completely naïve. Should we continue this posture we will be witnessing several additional Iranian like countries in the Middle East that in the end will be even more suppressive than the despot led countries are today.
One other side observation this is a clear illustration as to how useless the United Nations is!
America cannot just sit on the sidelines and watch the Mid East disintegrate. It cannot wait to see which way the chips will fall it has to be a strong influence in the outcome now. It must become pro-active now! It need s to lead the community of the Worlds free nations in an emergency session to step in and change the course of these events.
I only hope that it is not too late!

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Sunday, March 28, 2010 Posted by Ralph Reetz

We are on the edge of loosing our leadership in the world and that would not be such a terrible event if there was any other country in the world that would espouse the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights, both in law and in spirit. Since our founding, literally millions of legal immigrants from all over the world have come to the United States to live and enjoy the freedoms that our forefathers enumerated in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Presently there is no country in the world that offers the same freedoms and frightening as it may be the countries that are challenging our leadership today are China and Russia, two of the most repressive regimes on earth both with expansionist policies.

United States of America fought for the freedom of others all over the World; The First World War in Europe, The Second World War in Europe and The Far East, The Korean War, The War in Viet Nam all in the name of freedom. We never suppressed the vanquished and when we were finished the people were free and they prospered. The World is a better place as a direct result of the blood that we shed through the years to push back totalitarianism. I hope that most Americans realize this and understand who we are and what we stand for.

We are in frightening times now with the leadership in our present administration that is hell bent on trashing the Constitution and stomping on the spirit of America like never before. Our freedoms are being erased right in front of our eyes. If there is any good news it is that the masses of Americans are beginning to understand and wake up. We used to be in a free and open democracy with elected officials responsive to their constituents. Then we witnessed the disgusting display recently, during the Health Care legislative process. Over 16 % of our economy has been usurped and placed in the hands of bureaucrats. What needs to be shouted across this country is that the narrow margin (4 votes) of victory for the Democrats came only as a result of: Presidential lies, Bribery, Pay Offs, Threats, and coercion from Pelosi and Obama. There was virtually none of the promised transparency on this issue, the most important issue that came before congress in American History. On top of this the Pelosi led congress scrapped their own House of Representative rules and used other gimmicks in the process in order to force this FREDOM DENYING legislation through by the narrowest of margins. Even some Democrats could not stomach the farce and voted nay!

The world is a buzz about the demise of America. China already has people pushing for a world currency to replace the US Dollar, and there are those in China that are also pushing for military superiority with the goal to replace America as the single super power. If either of these events evolve, I ask you where will the people of the world go to seek their dreams and freedom? Will they stream into China or Russia? Where will we Americans that believe in our Constitution and Bill Of Rights go? Would I be able to write and post this with out repercussion?

The challenges tp this legislation in any way possible are imminently high priority along with the November elections. I implore all true Americans to get involved, we have to out gun the Chicago politics that has infected this administration.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Democrats Hypocracy

Massa has charged that the Democratic leadership has ousted him from congress because he is a NO vote on health care. Now is this charge made by Massa false? Absolutely not!!!! Is it not reasonable to conclude that when the Democratic party leadership has clearly stated that they will "stop at nothing" to force this Obama Care bill to passage, that has thus far included blatant bribes to Iowa, Florida, Louisiana, and arm twisting and unprecedented coercion? The answer is yes. The Democrats have thrown ethics away and will use any evil device that they can muster to get this government take over legislation passed. Everyone that cares should READ this 2000 page plus bill and all the deletions and adds and any moron will conclude that the bill is not about health care it is about GROWING GOVERNMENT! It is completely unmanageable and not any number of amendments or changes to this document will make it salvageable. The American people are not as stupid as the Democrats would like to believe. The American people know that this bill can not stand for a second on it's own merit, otherwise why do so many people have to be bribed to obtain their yes vote? Why is Pelosi, Ried and Obama in continuous back room secret meetings? What else are they promising? What else are they giving away? Who else are they bribing. This no longer the America that I once knew and our only hope is to pray that their are some decent Democrats that understand that they are in a process that is selling our country down the drain and that they awaken to their inner voice, their conscience before it is too late and vote against this travesty.

Monday, March 1, 2010



Nancy Pelosi is by definition and by congressional consensus, is a dictator forcing her will, her Progressive ideology, not only on congress but on the entire United States. The population of America is 304,059,724. Pelosi was elected in the San Francisco area of California’s, 8th congressional district, population 639088. Pelosi received a total vote of 199,030 electing her to a position that ultimately places her third in line for the Presidency of the United States. Pelosi has been placed in this powerful position with less than 7/10 of 1 % of our population.

Although she does not speak for most Americans she has rammed through congress the Cap & Trade energy bill and the health care bill. Both of these pieces of shoddy legislation are unwanted by a large and definitive majority of Americans. Does this faze this Progressive, myopia infected dictator? She continues to foist her will on the masses through bribery, coercion and every tactic that she can muster through her powerful position as speaker of the house. Pelosi the scoundrel of congress, has no qualms, or morality when it comes to pushing her lemming followers to vote as she dictates. She is dangerous. Pelosi needs to be ousted in November 2010.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


February 16, 2010


Well he we are entering the second year of a left wing dominated legislature and executive branch of government and what is it that has been accomplished? The executive branch has managed to seduce congress thus relegating them to a brain dead, inert, non functioning relic that no longer has a purpose. Have you had the opportunity to listen to the speeches that are made by elected legislators, to their invisible audience? Go to C-SPAN and watch our legislators in action. You will begin to understand the sad state of affairs existing in the congressional chamber. Statesmanship has disappeared and has been replaced with lame “political” accusatory oratory filled with, exaggerations, half truths, and out right lies. The incredible reality is, that the left leaning, main stream media, has no interest in, or maybe they are not permitted to, expose this ugly evolution of our government.

We are on the verge of a velvet coo, a dictatorial take over of our country by a president that by all indications has a “not so” hidden agenda. This President is on the verge of nationalizing health care in spite of congress’ failure to pass healthcare legislation! This President is on the verge of nationalizing our energy industry, under the guise of deeply flawed scientific findings, also legislation that was dead on arrival in congress. These are only two programs he will attempt to move forward through his executive power.

The American people have been awakened and there is no question that they strongly oppose both nationalized health care and Cap and Trade legislation. If you do not believe that these are dangerous pieces of legislation, and if you care about America, you have to “try” to read these 2000 page plus piles of regulations. You will soon conclude that it is impossible to know what the end result will be other than the largest take over of the private sector of our country in history. You will have to conclude that these efforts ARE NOT about health care and ARE NOT about climate, they are about government control and redistribution of wealth. Your money will be taken and given to others more deserving, deserving folks that will be determined by your government. Please think long and hard about how much of your life that you are going to turn over to your government if this president has his way.

It is time, actually it is past time for every American that believes in and supports our constitution to get involved, write letters, work for a candidate, go to demonstrations, be heard, pass along the word in every way that you can think of. Do not let this president steal America