Monday, March 8, 2010

Democrats Hypocracy

Massa has charged that the Democratic leadership has ousted him from congress because he is a NO vote on health care. Now is this charge made by Massa false? Absolutely not!!!! Is it not reasonable to conclude that when the Democratic party leadership has clearly stated that they will "stop at nothing" to force this Obama Care bill to passage, that has thus far included blatant bribes to Iowa, Florida, Louisiana, and arm twisting and unprecedented coercion? The answer is yes. The Democrats have thrown ethics away and will use any evil device that they can muster to get this government take over legislation passed. Everyone that cares should READ this 2000 page plus bill and all the deletions and adds and any moron will conclude that the bill is not about health care it is about GROWING GOVERNMENT! It is completely unmanageable and not any number of amendments or changes to this document will make it salvageable. The American people are not as stupid as the Democrats would like to believe. The American people know that this bill can not stand for a second on it's own merit, otherwise why do so many people have to be bribed to obtain their yes vote? Why is Pelosi, Ried and Obama in continuous back room secret meetings? What else are they promising? What else are they giving away? Who else are they bribing. This no longer the America that I once knew and our only hope is to pray that their are some decent Democrats that understand that they are in a process that is selling our country down the drain and that they awaken to their inner voice, their conscience before it is too late and vote against this travesty.

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