Thursday, June 11, 2009

The end of the America we knew and loved

I find the silence of most of the media utterly amazing when it comes to recognizing the unconstitutional government take over and interference with private enterprise. The case in point that most clearly exposes this evil is the unilateral closing (by the Federal Government) of thousands of Chrysler and GM dealerships across the country. Many of these dealerships were family run small businesses that had been operating for generations and many were profitable.

Just think for a moment that "you" own a business and the business has been a successful family business for generations and suddenly the Federal Government unilaterally decides that you are no longer viable so we are closing you down. This is an arrogant, unprecidented intrusion and attack on the private sector beyond believe. This is what happened on a given day in June 2009. This is undisguised Marxism.

This Obama policy is not only on the attack in the Auto Industry but also the Banking, Insurance and soon the Health Care industries. You are seeing the biggest government power grab in the history of the country.

Hopefully folks that truly love America will become involved and at a minimum they will notify their repesentatives that enougn is enough.

I have great hopes that these policies will be turned on their heads when they are challenged in court and then followed by ejecting these buffoons from elected office.

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